Human Rights and Working Conditions:

  • Compliance with international human rights standards and labor laws
  • Prohibition of child labor and employment of young workers
  • Provision of fair wages and benefits in accordance with local regulations
  • Adherence to working hour limits and overtime regulations
  • Zero tolerance for modern slavery, forced labor, human trafficking, and servitude
  • Ethical recruitment practices ensuring transparency and fairness
  • Respect for freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining
  • Non-discrimination policies and prevention of harassment in the workplace
  • Protection of women’s rights and provision of equal opportunities
  • Promotion of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workforce
  • Respect for the rights of minorities and indigenous peoples
  • Recognition and protection of land, forest, and water rights, and prevention of forced evictions
  • Limitations on the use of private or public security forces, ensuring compliance with human rights standards

Health and Safety:

  • Implementation of robust health and safety policies and procedures
  • Provision of a safe and healthy working environment for employees
  • Compliance with occupational health and safety regulations and standards
  • Regular risk assessments and mitigation measures to prevent accidents and injuries
  • Training programs for employees on health and safety practices
  • Reporting and investigation mechanisms for incidents and near-misses

Business Ethics:

  • Commitment to anti-corruption and anti-money laundering practices
  • Protection of data privacy and security, in compliance with relevant regulations
  • Financial responsibility, including accurate record-keeping and transparent financial reporting
  • Disclosure of information to stakeholders in a timely and accurate manner
  • Promotion of fair competition and compliance with anti-trust laws
  • Prevention of conflicts of interest and disclosure of potential conflicts
  • Prohibition of counterfeit parts and protection of intellectual property rights
  • Compliance with export controls and economic sanctions
  • Establishment of whistleblowing mechanisms and protection against retaliation


  • Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and commitment to carbon neutrality goals
  • Implementation of energy-efficient practices and technologies
  • Promotion of renewable energy sources and decarbonization initiatives
  • Protection of water quality, conservation of water resources, and responsible water management
  • Management of air quality to minimize emissions and pollution
  • Safe and responsible handling of chemicals, ensuring compliance with environmental regulations
  • Sustainable management of natural resources, including forests, minerals, and water
  • Reduction of waste generation and promotion of waste reduction, reuse, and recycling
  • Protection of animal welfare and prevention of cruelty to animals
  • Conservation of biodiversity, preservation of land, and prevention of deforestation
  • Maintenance of soil quality and prevention of soil degradation
  • Minimization of noise emissions and mitigation of noise pollution

Upstream Supplier Management:

  • Implementation of similar standards towards own tier-1 suppliers
  • Binding requirements for tier-1 suppliers to pass on standards along the supply chain
  • Collaboration with suppliers to ensure compliance with environmental, social, and ethical standards
  • Monitoring and auditing of supplier practices to verify adherence to standards
  • Continuous improvement initiatives to address gaps and enhance supplier performance

By adhering to these requirements, Svensk Fjärrtransport AB aims to ensure that its suppliers uphold high standards of ethical conduct, environmental sustainability, and social responsibility throughout the supply chain.